Stellar GMP Example

Axelar General Message Passing (GMP) allows for messages to be sent between two chains. Such messages can be used to power natively cross-chain decentralized applications. With the integration of Stellar to Axelar, Stellar based contracts can now send messages to other blockchain ecosystems connected to Axelar, including (but not limited to) EVM chains.

To begin, make sure the Stellar CLI is setup on your local machine.

Once the Stellar CLI is setup you can run stellar contract init axelar-gmp. This will create a new Stellar project.

Now that you have a Stellar project you can run cargo install axelar-cgp-stellar to install the Axelar related functionality to be used in your contract.

For simplicity, you can remove the root files and unnest the files in the src folder to be at the root of your project so that your file structures now look like this.

Terminal window

The files in the src folder can now be broken out into a file, an, and

To integrate with the Axelar Network you will need to leverage the contracts in the Axelar CGP Stellar repository. Currently, this repo is not available on To access it’s functionality you can reference it as a git dependency. You can add a dependency for each subcrate in the CGP Stellar repo as follows:

axelar-gateway = { git = "", subdir = "contracts/axelar-gateway", features = [
] }
axelar-gas-service = { git = "", subdir = "contracts/axelar-gas-service", features = [
] }
axelar-stellar-std = { git = "", subdir = "packages/axelar-stellar-std" }

The file which contains the hello_world code can be moved to the file. You can replace all that code with a module representation of the contract. Your file should look like this:

pub mod contract;

You can rename your contract from the default name Contract to AxelarGMP. You can then begin writing out the constructor. Before writing functionality of the contract you can also make several key data types available from the Stellar SDK

use stellar_sdk::{contract, contractimpl, Address, Env, String, Vec};

These unique types will be used throughout the contract.

In the constructor function you will need to pass in the Axelar Gateway and Gas Service contracts.

pub fn __constructor(env: Env, gateway: Address, gas_service: Address) {}

Note: In addition to the gateway and gas service you will also set an env param. This is an instance of the Env struct, which is a core part of the Stellar SDK. The Env struct provides access to various environment-specific functions and capabilities necessary for interacting with the contract’s storage, managing resources, and executing contract logic within the Stellar runtime.

The gateway and gas service contracts can be stored in the contract’s instance storage. Before you can save the two parameters in storage, you must first define the storage variables. Create a new file called

This can be done as follows:

use stellar_sdk::contracttype;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DataKey {

The file defines the DataKey enum, used as a typed storage key within the contract.

#[contracttype]: Marks the enum for serialization and storage by the Stellar SDK. Enum Variants: Gateway: Represents the storage key for the gateway contract. GasService: Represents the storage key for the gas service contract.

For this enum to be reachable you must:

  1. Define the file in the file, which at this point should look like this.
pub mod contract;
mod storage_types;
  1. Make the file available to your repo
use crate::storage_types::DataKey;

With the storage now setup you can store your gateway and gas serivce contracts in storage from the constructor. The complete constructor should now look like this.

pub fn __constructor(env: Env, gateway: Address, gas_service: Address) {, &gateway);
.set(&DataKey::GasService, &gas_service);

The constructor stores each param at a specific key in the DataKey enum you created before.

The Gas Service contract implements the functionality to pay for cross-chain transactions.

pub fn gas_service(env: &Env) -> Address {

The Gateway contract implements the functionality to send cross-chain transactions.

fn gateway(env: &Env) -> Address {

To send a cross-chain message you can define a new function called send(). It will take the following function signature

pub fn send(
env: Env,
caller: Address,
destination_chain: String,
destination_address: String,
message: String,
gas_token: Token,
) {}

For the token type to be accepted you must make it available as follows:

use axelar_stellar_std::types::Token;

You will also need the GasService and Gateway client types available for other functionality in this function.

The entire list of imported data types should now be

use axelar_gas_service::AxelarGasServiceClient;
use axelar_gateway::AxelarGatewayMessagingClient;
use crate::storage_types::DataKey;
use axelar_stellar_std::types::Token;
use stellar_sdk::{contract, contractimpl, Address, Bytes, Env, String};

The function takes the following parameters

  1. env: The environment object, providing access to the blockchain runtime.
  2. caller: The address of the account initiating the message send.
  3. destination_chain: The name of the destination blockchain.
  4. destination_address: The address on the destination blockchain the call is being sent to.
  5. message: The message being sent to the destination chain.
  6. gas_token: The token used to pay for gas fees.

Now you can access an instance for the Gateway and GasService contracts set in storage in the constructor.

let gateway = AxelarGatewayMessagingClient::new(&env, &Self::gateway(&env));
let gas_service = AxelarGasServiceClient::new(&env, &Self::gas_service(&env));

Before, triggering the cross-chain transaction you must verify the authenticity of the caller’s signature by calling require_auth


This section can be skipped. If you do skip then you must ensure that the message being passed into the send function is of type bytes rather than string.

If you are sending a message of any type other than bytes than that data type must be encoded to type bytes.

To encode the string to a bytes that your Solidity contract will understand on the destination chain you will need to use the alloy-sol-types crate. You can add it to your repo by running cargo add alloy-sol-types. Next you will need to enable the alloc feature in your config.toml file. Do so in your soroban-sdk dependency.

soroban-sdk = {version = '22.0.0-rc.3', features = ["alloc"]}

Enabling the alloc feature is a dependency of alloy-sol-types. For further reading on alloc feature check out the stellar docs.

With the dependency now installed you can create a new file called In the file make the following modules available.

use crate::abi::alloc::{string::String as StdString, vec};
use alloy_sol_types::{sol_data, SolType};
use soroban_sdk::{contracterror, Bytes, Env, String};
extern crate alloc;

This will make the required modules available from standard Rust libraries, the Soroban sdk, as well as the newly installed alloy_sol_types crate.

You can then defined two new functions

pub fn abi_encode(env: &Env, message: String) -> Result<Bytes, AbiError> {}
pub fn abi_decode(env: &Env, message: Bytes) -> Result<String, AbiError> {}

You will also need to defined the AbiError type. This can be done as an enum

pub enum AbiError {
InvalidUtf8 = 1,

Your starter should look as follows

use crate::abi::alloc::{string::String as StdString, vec};
use alloy_sol_types::{sol_data, SolType};
use soroban_sdk::{contracterror, Bytes, Env, String};
extern crate alloc;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AbiError {
InvalidUtf8 = 1,
pub fn abi_encode(env: &Env, message: String) -> Result<Bytes, AbiError> {}
pub fn abi_decode_string(env: &Env, encoded_bytes: Bytes) -> Result<String, AbiError> {}

The encoding function will need to do three things

  1. Convert the Soroban string type to a standard Rust std string type.
  2. Trigger the abi_encode() function defined in the alloy_sol_types dependency
  3. Return a bytes type output

To convert the Soroban string to the Rust string you can define a separate helper function called to_std_string as follows:

// soroban string to std string
fn to_std_string(soroban_string: String) -> Result<StdString, AbiError> {
let length = soroban_string.len() as usize;
let mut bytes = vec![0u8; length];
soroban_string.copy_into_slice(&mut bytes);
StdString::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(|_| AbiError::InvalidUtf8)

With the helper function now setup you can implement the previously discussed three steps

pub fn abi_encode(env: &Env, message: String) -> Result<Bytes, AbiError> {
//Convert soroban str to std str
let message = to_std_string(message)?;
//Encode std str from sol_data mod
let encoded = sol_data::String::abi_encode(&message);
//Return soroban bytes with encoded output
Ok(Bytes::from_slice(&env, &encoded))

Decoding will need to be done when receiving a cross-chain message. Messages will be received as Bytes and your contract will need to decode it to a more readable String type. Like with encoding, decoding will also be done in three steps.

  1. Convert the data from raw bytes to a vec<u8>
  2. Pass the vec<u8> to sol_data module’s abi.decode() function.
  3. Return a new Soroban string type from the decoded output.

This can all be done as follows

pub fn abi_decode_string(env: &Env, encoded_bytes: Bytes) -> Result<String, AbiError> {
// Bytes to Vec<u8> for decoding.
let encoded_vec = encoded_bytes.to_alloc_vec();
//Decode data into Rust String.
let rust_string =
sol_data::String::abi_decode(&encoded_vec, true).map_err(|_| AbiError::InvalidUtf8)?;
// Rust String to Soroban String
Ok(String::from_str(env, &rust_string))

Note the map_err error handling for abi_decode. This function returns a Result therefore a map_err must be applied to handle the potential Error. You can use the AbiError type to handle the error.

With the encoding helper functions now complete you can make the relevant functions available back in your file.

use crate::abi::{abi_decode_string, abi_encode};

In your send() function you can now simply pass in the message payload to the abi_encode() function which will then return a Bytes type object that you will use in the rest of your function

let encoded_msg: Bytes = abi_encode(&env, message).unwrap();

This can be thought of as similar functionality to running abi.encode() in a Solidity contract.

You can now move on to triggering the cross-chain message. This involves two steps.

  1. Pay the GasService
  2. Trigger the cross-chain call on the Gateway

The process of paying the GasService involves running the pay_gas() function.


Once triggered, the gas that is paid to the GasService will be used to cover the cost of the relaying the transaction between the two chains, verifying the transaction on the Axelar Network, and gas costs of executing the transaction on the destination chain.

The function takes seven arguments passed in as references:

  1. &env.current_contract_address(): The address of the sender
  2. &destination_chain: The name of the destination chain
  3. &destination_address: The receiving address of the cross-chain call on the destination chain
  4. &message: The GMP message being sent to the destination chain
  5. &caller: The address paying the gas cost
  6. &gas_token: The token being used to cover the gas cost

With the transaction now paid for, the final step for sending a cross-chain message is to trigger the callContract() function on the Gateway.


For this function you will pass in

  1. &env.current_contract_address(): The address of the
  2. &destination_chain: The name of the destination chain
  3. &destination_address: The receiving address of the cross-chain call on the destination chain
  4. &message: The GMP message being sent to the destination chain

Your completed send() function now should be as follows:

pub fn send(
env: Env,
caller: Address,
destination_chain: String,
destination_address: String,
message: String,
gas_token: Token,
) {
let gateway = AxelarGatewayMessagingClient::new(&env, &Self::gateway(&env));
let gas_service = AxelarGasServiceClient::new(&env, &Self::gas_service(&env));
let encoded_msg: Bytes = abi_encode(&env, message).unwrap();

Now that you are able to send a cross-chain call you still need to handle the logic to receive a cross-chain call when it sent from another blockchain to your Stellar contract.

When an inbound message is received, an Axelar Relayer will look to trigger the execute() function on your contract. To implement the execute functionality you can will implement the AxelarExecutableInterface trait to handle the execute functionality.

Before defining your new trait you must first make the trait’s dependency from the Axelar-CGP-Stellar repo available.

use axelar_gateway::executable::AxelarExecutableInterface;

Now you can implement trait AxelarExecutableInterface trait.

impl AxelarExecutableInterface for AxelarGMP {

At this point your editor will be complaining that your implementation is missing the trait’s required functionality, gateway() and execute() functionality.

To resolve the first issue you can move the gateway() getter that you defined in the previous section of the contract to your new implementation.

To resolve the second issue you can paste in the signature for the execute() function as it’s defined in the original trait in the dependency.

fn execute(
env: Env,
source_chain: String,
message_id: String,
source_address: String,
payload: Bytes,
) {}

With the execute() signature now defined you can begin to write out the logic that will be used to handle the message.

The first thing you will want to do is to validate the incoming message. This can be done by triggering the third available function in the Axelar Trait, validate_message(). This function will confirm that the Gateway has received an approval from the Axelar verifier set that the message is in fact authentic. You pass it into let _ to tell the compiler that you do not care about the result of this function, to avoid the unused result warning.

let _ = Self::validate_message(&env, &source_chain, &message_id, &source_address, &payload)?;

Note: The ? at the end used to propagate the error that may be returned by the validate_message() function

Now with the message validated you can decode the function that you previously defined in the file.

let decoded_msg = abi_decode_string(&env, payload).map_err(|_| CustomErrors::FailedDecoding)?;

You can then store the decoded_msg in the DataKey enum. As of now, the DataKey enum is only setup to hold the Gateway and Gas Service contract addresses, let’s add in one more key for the recevied message.

Back in your file add a key called `ReceivedMessage. Your completed enum should now looks as follows

pub enum DataKey {

You can now return to your execute() function in the file and store the decoded_msg in the enum

//store msg
.set(&DataKey::ReceivedMessage, &decoded_msg);

Lastly,you can return the function. Your complete execute function should be as follows:

fn execute(
env: Env,
source_chain: String,
message_id: String,
source_address: String,
payload: Bytes,
) -> Result<(), CustomErrors> {
let _ =
Self::validate_message(&env, &source_chain, &message_id, &source_address, &payload)?;
let decoded_msg = abi_decode_string(&env, payload).map_err(|_| CustomErrors::FailedDecoding)?;
//store msg
.set(&DataKey::ReceivedMessage, &decoded_msg);

With your message now validated you can emit an event to mark that your message was received at the destination chain.

For maximum modularity you can define the event in a separate file. You can go ahead and make several Stellar SDK types available in the new file.

use Stellar_sdk::{Bytes, Env, String, Symbol};

Next you can define a new function called executed() where you can implement the event emission. This function will accept the same five parameters as the execute() function in the file. The first thing you will want to do in the new function is define the event topics. Topics allow for filtering events, making it easier for off-chain applications to monitor specific changes within on-chain contracts. For your event’s topics you can pass in the following:

Note: The different names between the executed() function in the file with the execute() function in the file.

let topics = (
Symbol::new(env, "executed"),

These topics include

  1. The name of the event, which is simply a symbol type of executed.
  2. The originating chain of the tx.
  3. A unique message id for the cross-chain message.
  4. The originating address of the cross-chain message.

With the topics now set you can emit your event using the publish function., (payload,));

The publish() function requires the topics, which you previously defined as well as the payload, which contains the actual contents of the cross-chain message being emitted.

Your completed file should be as follows

use Stellar_sdk::{Bytes, Env, String, Symbol};
pub fn executed(
env: &Env,
source_chain: String,
message_id: String,
source_address: String,
payload: String,
) {
let topics = (
Symbol::new(env, "executed"),
);, (payload,));

The final thing you now must do is to make the code in the file as a mod in the file.

mod event;

With your event now defined you may return to your file to trigger it in your execute() function. First you must make the code from available:

use crate::event;

Now you can trigger the executed() function that will in turn trigger the executed event.

event::executed(&env, source_chain, message_id, source_address, payload);

At this point once your message is received on the destination chain your execute() function will ensure that it has been marked as approved on the gateway, then it will emit the executed() event along with the unique parameters to your cross-chain transaction that was sent to this Stellar contract!

Your gmp-example contract is now complete. If you run the command stellar contract build, your code should compile without any errors. Next you will need to optimize your contract. To do so run

Terminal window
stellar contract optimize --wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/axelar_gmp.wasm

To deploy the contract you can run

Terminal window
stellar contract deploy --wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/axelar_gmp.optimized.wasm --source <YOUR_WALLET_NAME> --network testnet -- --gateway CBECMRORSIPG4XG4CNZILCH233OXYMLCY4GL3GIO4SURSHTKHDAPEOVM --gas_service CD3KZOLEACWMQSDEQFUJI6ZWC7A7CC7AE7ZFVE4X2DBPYAC6L663GCNN`

Note: The gateway and gas service addresses listed here are for the Stellar devnet deployment, these may change at some point going forward, please check the docs for the latest addresses. Also the Stellar testnet frequently restarts which will lead to these Gateway and Gas Service contracts changing.

Once your contract is now live on chain you can now send a cross-chain message by running the appropriate stellar-cli command.

Terminal window
stellar contract invoke --network testnet --id <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --source-account <MY_ACCOUNT> -- send --caller <CALLER_ADDR_NAME> --destination_chain '"<DEST_CHAIN_NAME>"' --message '"<MESSAGE>"' --destination_address '"<DEST_ADDR>"' --gas_token '{ "address": "CDLZFC3SYJYDZT7K67VZ75HPJVIEUVNIXF47ZG2FB2RMQQVU2HHGCYSC", "amount": "10000000000" }'

At this point you should be able to query your Solidity contract to query if a message has gone through successfully.

When you want to receive a message you will send the GMP message from your EVM Solidity contract and this Stellar contract will automatically receive and decode the message. To confirm that the message was received you will need to query this Stellar contract to make sure that a value in the ReceivedMessage key in the DataKey enum has been set. This can be done by running:

Terminal window
stellar contract invoke --network testnet --id <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --source-account <CALLER_ADDR_NAME> -- received_message

If you successfully have sent the message from the EVM chain then this query should return the string that was sent from the source chain in your Stellar contract.

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